The Frost & Sullivan white paper “Intelligent Enterprise Platform—Connecting Devices to the Enterprise” discusses the role of creating value through integrated device communications.
The future of device technology is geared toward M2M (machine-to-machine, machine-to-mobile, or mobile-to-machine) communications in enterprise applications to level access and expand flexibility of monitor and control capabilities. Common devices are projected to advance to the point of recognition of each other’s presence and role, complying with end-user instruction to facilitate green building initiatives and enhance operations. The realization of this vision can enable anytime remote access.
Frost & Sullivan recently published the white paper “Intelligent Enterprise Platform—Connecting Devices to the Enterprise,” which explores the vast capabilities of the M2M platform. It also reviews the implementation of this concept, which includes the ability to provide long-term cost savings in energy, maintenance, and operations, as well as improved comfort and productivity and real-time monitoring and reporting.
“It [M2M device technology application] must meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations of technology innovation,” said Frost & Sullivan Senior Industry Analyst Jorge Moreno. “Tridium’s enterprise platforms facilitate this convergence of IT (information technology) enterprise with building systems and other business assets. This converged communication solution complies with a building’s original design and is future-adaptable to anticipate and respond to new technologies, process changes, and smooth system evolution.”
Some of the underlying technology that makes M2M communications successful is open and interoperable systems that support IT-friendly solutions for systems management. This allows for flexibility in the implementation process to meet end-user needs and preferences by adding devices to the M2M control system or keeping it as is.
To create a smart and interconnected network, operations need to be conducted on one unified platform, with easy data access through the Internet to facilitate real-time information sharing. This helps simplify interoperability and integration between building infrastructures to improve efficiency and maximize cost savings. Wired or wireless sensors also play a fundamental role.
“The essence of a smart energy infrastructure is made up of millions of smart, connected devices such as sensors,” said Moreno. “Buildings, in general, could be outfitted with tens of thousands of small sensors, some Web-enabled, tied into a central computer for information gathering and control. Enterprise applications are exploiting the existing IT infrastructure to integrate these sensors, devices, and systems, which enables remote access, management, and distributed control.“