Coyote Secure combines LoRa and Sigfox to find stolen vehicles

Coyote Secure combines LoRa and Sigfox to find stolen vehicles

By working with Orange Business Services to add the LoRaWAN network to the Coyote Secure service, initially working with the Sigfox network, Coyote is engaging in large-scale technology convergence.

Coyote Secure allows its tracer to find 91% of its customers’ stolen vehicles in less than 48 hours. To further improve the performance of its offer and reach almost 100%, the French company, known for its driving assistance service, has chosen to integrate the operator Orange’s LoRaWAN network into Coyote Secure, which has been in operation for 2018 with the Sigfox network.

“We are agnostic in terms of technology, our objective is to bring the best to our customers and for this we have chosen the convergence of connectivity”, affirms Jérôme Arnac, marketing director at Coyote.

For Coyote, the major advantage of integrating LoRaWAN is to benefit from additional coverage, reducing the risk of dead zones. “Once the signal is detected, the location is more precise with the two networks to facilitate the work of our teams in the field who validate the exact position of the vehicle”, explains Jérôme Arnac. According to him, the two connectivities are as efficient as the other in the event of jamming or burying. Autonomy is another decisive argument for Coyote: “LPWAN technologies are key to ensuring the lifespan of our tracker, which is four years”, specifies Jérôme Arnac.

“The addition of the LoRaWAN network is included in the continuous improvement of the solution.”

The integration of the network mobilized a team of ten people at Coyote for six months. “Benefiting from dual connectivity required a certain expertise and work to redesign the solution, even if we wanted it to be as minimal as possible”, says the marketing director. An expert from Orange Business Service accompanied them, in particular to interconnect the service with the Orange IoT platform. “We started with a few dozen devices and then expanded to all new products,” explains Pierre-François Valton, Smart Mobility Services, IoT sales director at Orange Business Services.

The main discussions did not focus on technical aspects but on the business model between the two partners, to determine what remuneration to define. “For customers, this will not change anything. We will keep a subscription at 14.99 euros per month or 179 euros per year. The addition of the LoRaWAN network is included in the continuous improvement of the solution”, warns Jérôme Arnac, satisfied to be associated with an operator like Orange to guarantee the sustainability of the solution over the long term. Customers also do not have to worry about the plotter, as it is installed by professionals.

This Coyote project is part of a large-scale deployment. The French company strengthened its expertise in recovering vehicles after theft in 2018 with the acquisition of Traqueur, a specialist in post-theft traceability devices. “Thefts have continued to increase since the end of the confinements linked to the health crisis”, notes Jérôme Arnac, recalling that in 2021, 122,700 vehicles suffered theft. The company is also moving towards an offer dedicated to BtoB, particularly in the construction industry. “There is a strong demand in this sector because, when machines or vehicles containing equipment are stolen, all activity stops”, reveals Jérôme Arnac.

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