Verizon Wireless and Trilliant Deliver Next-Generation Public Network Smart Metering

Trilliant’s CellReader® Compatible with the Verizon Wireless Network

Verizon Wireless and Trilliant today announced that Trilliant’s next-generation CellReader, the leading cellular wireless Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solution for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Utility metering, has been certified as compatible with the Verizon Wireless network.


CellReader products operating on the Verizon Wireless network complement Trilliant’s SecureMesh smart grid networks and UnitySuite™ head-end software that are deployed with utilities worldwide.

Utilities are under pressure to implement a variety of real-time-pricing and demand management programs in order to reduce electricity consumption and technical losses, while providing the customer with greater visibility and control over their electric bills.  The CellReader “under-the-glass” communications module combined with the reliability of the Verizon Wireless network gives utilities an easy-to-deploy two-way AMI solution that allows scheduled and on-demand access to all meter data.  CellReader modules can easily be retrofitted into existing meters, or fully integrated CellReader-equipped meters can be ordered direct from the meter manufacturer.

Trilliant’s CellReader employs the ANSI C12.22 open standard for data access and communications to the C12.19 data tables within the meter via IP packet data connectivity provided by the Verizon Wireless network. CellReader’s use of open standards enables utilities to select metering tools and meter data collection applications that make the most sense for their budget and objectives. CellReader is also certified to ANSI C12.20-2002 for meter accuracy and performance.

Trilliant’s certification underscores our commitment to developing the Smart Grid for the utility market,” said Mike Brander, vice president, Utility and Industrial Vertical Markets, Verizon Wireless.

“Our Machine to Machine (M2M) rate plans and management tools, combined with Trilliant’s CellReader, will enable our joint utility customers to effectively manage large-scale Advanced Metering Infrastructure deployments for the commercial and industrial markets.”

We look forward to working alongside Verizon Wireless to support Smart Grid initiatives,” said Andy White, chairman and chief executive officer of Trilliant.  

Trilliant has successfully delivered tens of thousands of CellReader products on the Verizon Wireless network since 2003.  Our advanced CellReader technology combined with Verizon Wireless’ excellent coverage and reliable network continues to make for a model relationship.

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