Sigfox and INDIGO® weel Join Forces to Promote 100% Connected Urban Mobility

Sigfox and INDIGO® weel Join Forces to Promote 100% Connected Urban Mobility

Self-service bicycle fleet INDIGO® weel, a subsidiary of the INDIGO group, has been fitted with sensors, supported by Sigfox’s 0G network, that can accurately pinpoint their location at any given time.

As the number of shared vehicles in circulation increases, this integration of Sigfox technology will help to better protect the fleet from damage or theft.

The Sigfox solution offers multiple benefits for INDIGO® weel:

  • An easier customer journey: pinpointing the location of bicycles more accurately, in real-time, allows users of the service to locate bikes on the street faster and more easily;
  • Better protection against damage and theft due to a greater understanding of high-risk areas;
  • A reduction in repair costs thanks to reusable sensors that can easily be transferred from a damaged bike to a new one;
  • Flexible technology that can be used in other markets, if the INDIGO® weel service expands internationally, courtesy of Sigfox’s global 0G network that spans some sixty countries;
  • Durable sensors that consume very little energy

Together, INDIGO® weel and Sigfox are providing a solution to the public that addresses a number of the current challenges facing mobility services. Population growth in cities, as well as increasing environmental awareness now requires us to reconsider the way we move around each day. Innovative private sector services are therefore needed, in order to be able to offer a wider range of mobility solutions to the public. These must, however, complement the existing public transport offering, with those in charge working closely with city authorities in metropolitan areas.

New mobility solutions have been changing the face of city centre travel in recent years, but in order to be fully effective, they still have to find their place in the landscape. In this new market, INDIGO® weel is positioning itself as an innovative brand, keen to constantly evolve and partner with other forward-thinking businesses to do that.

One example of this innovation prompts users to take a photo at the end of their bike rental period to certify that the vehicle is in good parking condition. Each photo is then processed by customer services and users who comply with national, local and ‘Our Service’ rules will gain access to more advantageous offers.

Any change involves some risks and challenges, but the association between Sigfox and INDIGO® weel is already reaping benefits. Since the fleet was equipped with connected sensors, improvements to the geolocation system has reduced bicycle damage by a factor of 4. In addition, bicycle repair/replacement is now also faster than in the past. These improvements benefit INDIGO® weel, but also, more broadly, the inhabitants of cities where the connected vehicles are available, providing them with a high quality, sustainable service.

Jean Gadrat, CEO of INDIGO® weel, explains:
“Public stakeholders and users today want a wider range of mobility solutions at their disposal and innovation in the sector that will help shape the city of tomorrow. It is in this context that we enter the market as a private company, in order to provide citizens with a respectful, complementary offering. INDIGO® weel wants to be a responsible player in the urban mobility market. We work tirelessly to offer the best possible service to our customers and make our products more efficient, which is why we have chosen to embed Sigfox’s technology into the fleet. It allows us to strengthen the sustainability of our offering and fully integrate our vehicles into the urban ecosystem.”

Patrick Cason, General Manager at Sigfox France, said:
“Through this collaboration, we are once again demonstrating the many ways in which our 0G network can be used to serve society. The challenges of mobility, especially in cities, are many and well known. Faced with increasingly populated cities and an environmental awareness that can no longer be ignored, we must create new, more sustainable mobility solutions. Free floating bike is one of them.”

“We are working with INDIGO® weel to provide the best service possible to meet the needs of citizens and to ensure that free floating bike finds its place in the city.”

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