Skylo Technologies has certified Sony's Altair ALT1250 chipset for its satellite network. The certificati ...
Skylo Technologies Certifies Sony’s Altair ALT1250 Chipset for its Satellite Network
Skylo Technologies Certifies Sony’s Altair ALT1250 Chipset for its Satellite Network
Sony Semiconductor Israel Announces Commercial Availability of the ALT1350 LPWA Chipset
Sony Semiconductor Israel Announces Commercial Availability of the ALT1350 LPWA Chipset
Sony Semiconductor Israel Redefines IoT Connectivity Platform with New Ultra Low Power 5G LPWA ALT1350 Chipset
Sony Semiconductor Israel Redefines IoT Connectivity Platform with New Ultra Low Power 5G LPWA ALT1350 Chipset
LTE-M – Delivering a Futureproof IoT
LTE-M – Delivering a Futureproof IoT
Soracom Announces Global Collaboration with Sony Semiconductor Solutions’ SPRESENSE™ IoT Microcontrollers
Soracom Announces Global Collaboration with Sony Semiconductor Solutions’ SPRESENSE™ IoT Microcontrollers
Ligado Selects Sony Semiconductor Israel as Chipset Developer for 5G Mobile Satellite Network
Ligado Selects Sony Semiconductor Israel as Chipset Developer for 5G Mobile Satellite Network
Soracom Unveils Next-Generation iSIM Capability
Soracom Unveils Next-Generation iSIM Capability
Sony Announces Launch of New Low Power Cellular IoT Chipset for NB-IoT Networks – ALT1255
Sony Announces Launch of New Low Power Cellular IoT Chipset for NB-IoT Networks – ALT1255
Skylo Partners with Sony Semiconductor Israel to Deploy 5G-Ready NB-IoT Connectivity over Satellite
Skylo Partners with Sony Semiconductor Israel to Deploy 5G-Ready NB-IoT Connectivity over Satellite
Telenor, Sony and Ericsson team to develop smart IoT healthcare devices
Telenor, Sony and Ericsson team to develop smart IoT healthcare devices